
2001 dodge cummins water temp gauge says overheating

The high water temperature gauge of 2001 Dodge Cummins general instrument indicates that there is a fault in the engine cooling system, water temp gauge says overheating. Common fault points are: 1 There is a lack of antifreeze in the engine cooling system. It may be that the engine has leakage points, such as water pump leakage, pipeline damage, water tank damage, etc. 2. The thermostat in the engine cooling system is faulty, resulting in high water temperature. Because the thermostat cannot be opened, the flow of coolant inside the engine is blocked, so the temperature of coolant is too high. 3. The cooling fan in the engine cooling system does not work properly, resulting in poor cooling of the coolant. Therefore, the water temperature light is on, which causes the coolant temperature to be too high. 4. The water pump in the engine cooling system has a fault. The water pump does not rotate smoothly, resulting in poor coolant flow, so the water temperature light is on, and the coolant temperature is too high.

The above are common fault points. The specific fault points can be determined only after checking the 2001 Dodge Cummins of the vehicle. The cooling fan does not turn. The cooling fan may be controlled by a temperature control switch; It may also be controlled by the water temperature sensor. Insufficient cooling medium. ① Anti-freezing liquid: high-grade cars require to be filled with anti-freezing liquid all year round; ② Water or distilled water: temporary substitute; ③ The water tank cover leaks. The thermostat is damaged. ① If you want to remove the thermostat, you should plug the small circulation at this time, so as to ensure that the coolant is completely dissipated by the water tank;  ② When installing a new thermostat, pay attention to the water hole. For example, there is no water hole in Santana. At this time, drill a hole with a 6mm drill bit. One function is to mark; Another function is that during the heating process of the car, the temperature difference between the two sides of the thermostat is generated, so that the thermostat can be opened accurately with the water temperature. The water tank is blocked. ① Remove the dirt with water or gas for external blockage; ② Internal blockage will affect the circulation of coolant and generate pressure at the same time. At this time, there will be two results: one is water leakage in the water tank, and the other is that the water temperature is particularly high when driving at high speed.

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