
water temp gauge not working

Why water temp gauge not working ?
Generally speaking, their are many different reasons.Let us list them.

The leakage of the cooling system will lead to inadequate antifreeze, which will lead to the increase of antifreeze temp.However, first check whether there's leakage, If the antifreeze is plant to below.However, don't add valve water or other types of antifreeze, so as to avoid dilution or indeed rush, If the same type of antifreeze isn't added in time. So the water temp gauge will not receive the signal , it will not working.

The simplest way to not turn is to check the fuse first. If the fuse burns, use a meter to measure the circuit to see if there is a problem or a short circuit, causing the fuse to burn. Then check whether the temperature control switch works normally and whether it is powered on at the predetermined temperature. If the temperature control switch is normal, directly power on the electronic fan to see whether it operates.

First of all, check whether the water tank is short of antifreeze, causing hightemperature.However, check whether there's liquid leakage water pump and channel, If it's short of antifreeze. Check whether there's water in the machine canvas and the combustion condition of the spark draw. You can also judge whether there's antifreeze oohing into the cylinder. Check whether there's air in the water rotation system, performing in poor rotation. Also check whether the face of the water tank is too dirty, performing in poor heat dispersion. Whether there's water alkali oxide in the water tank, which leads to poor rotation. Eventually, check whether the temperature control switch is broken and is always powered on.

After the failure of the water pump, the water on the heat conduction side of the machine can't circulate in time, performing in the rapid-fire rise of the water temperature after the machine is started, the failure of the cooling system, the water temperature alarm, and" boiling"and other phenomena.However, lesser fault losses similar as cylinder pulling caused by poor cooling will be avoided; Thus, when the water temperature is too high, If it's plant beforehand and applicable measures are taken. It is also maybe the power line of the water temperature gauge is open circuit. Maybe the electric heating coil of the water temperature gauge is burnt out. Also it maybe sensor is burnt out or the contact is poor. All possibilities need to be checked.

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