
why is my speedometer going crazy

When the car owner is driving the vehicle, when the speedometer moves for a while and does not move for a while, it is a very distressing thing for the car owner. If there is a problem with the speedometer, you will not be able to clearly know the speed of your vehicle. If there is no navigation, you will not even know the speeding, and your vehicle may have violated the rules several times. Most of the reasons for this situation are that the vehicle speed sensor is damaged, resulting in the inability to transmit the correct vehicle speed to the on-board computer, and it may also be due to poor contact of the sensor plug. The failure of the sensor drive mechanism and the lack of fault codes in the vehicle's wheel speed sensor and ABS control unit system are also one of the reasons why the speedometer moves for a while and does not move for a while.

Diagram of car speedometer not moving repair:
1. If the speed sensor is damaged, the speedometer will not move. Check whether the speed sensor is faulty. If there is a fault, replace it in time;
2. If the speedometer is damaged, there may be a phenomenon that the speedometer does not move, but check whether there is a virtual connection or short circuit in the line of the speedometer, and if there is, it can be repaired in time;
3. Check whether the sensor drive mechanism is faulty, and the poor contact of the connecting line will also make the speedometer not move;
4. Use a diagnostic instrument to take out the fault code, which can solve the problem faster.

An indicator light will also be displayed on the speedometer of the vehicle to remind the owner. The indicator light has three colors: red, yellow, and green. When the red indicator light is on, it means that there is a serious fault in the vehicle, and the owner cannot continue driving. When the yellow indicator light is on, it means that there is something wrong with the vehicle, which is not as serious as the red indicator light, and you can continue to drive, but it needs to be repaired as soon as possible. Don't worry when the green indicator light is on, it means the function is working normally

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