
install scooter oil temp gauge

Just connect the two oil passages with the oil radiator

If you refit it, if you are a scooter, you can drill a hole on the top of the downward screw with a large cover on the magneto of the engine. Here is the oil supply passage of the oil pump {the oil pressure can be connected to the external oil pipe by pressure} the other end of the oil pipe joint of the device can be moved a few centimeters to the center to drill a hole and install the circuit,Remove the oil dipstick and put the joint attached to the oil radiator on the oil dipstick port. Note: check whether the wire on the joint is the same as that on the oil port. When buying a meter of soft leather plastic pipe, insert one end into the accessory and the other end into the radiator. Install the radiator near the shock absorber where screws can be installed

Air cooled engine is a common heat dissipation method for small displacement motorcycles and some large displacement motorcycles. Some riders said that air cooling, especially scooters, can not drive at high speed for a long time, because the oil temperature will be too high, which will lose the protective effect on the engine and cause damage to the vehicle. In contrast, motorcycle water cooling seems to be a symbol of high-end, and even some riders are keen to change large flow fans and even oil cooling and water cooling to strengthen engine heat dissipation. Then, whether the heat dissipation level of forced air-cooled engine is sufficient, and whether the engine or oil temperature is too high due to insufficient heat dissipation, resulting in injury.

First look at the cooling system of the scooter. This concern is not unreasonable. Especially for scooters, in a narrow relatively confined space, the heat dissipation area of the engine is much smaller than that of straddle riding. A fan is used to strengthen ventilation and heat dissipation there. The oil temperature does not reach the optimum operating temperature of the engine oil (between 90-100 degrees). This is because the fan is directly connected with the engine shaft, so the air volume changes only with the engine speed. Perhaps, like the engine speed, the idle fan is not only enough to dissipate heat at idle speed

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