
2 1/16 water temp gauge for 1986 mustang gt

2 1/16" is 52mm , 2 1/16 water temp gauge is 52mm water temp gauge . Our water temp gauge is universal , can be used for 1986 mustang gt . The water temperature gauge refers to the internal cooling water temperature of the engine , from which it can be seen whether the cooling system of the engine works normally .

There will be a window under the steering wheel of the car 1986 mustang gt . The pointers and signs on the window have different purposes. "Total mileage mark", "anti lock mark" , "water temperature gauge" , "safety belt prompt" and so on . These marks are all necessary for us to know before driving . The water temperature is from C-H , and C represents 60 degrees . As soon as the pointer of the water temperature gauge reaches C , it indicates that the water temperature has reached 60 degrees .

On the 1986 mustang gt 2 1/16 water temp gauge , C stands for the citation word "cold" which means cold , and H stands for the word "hot" which means hot . When you carefully observe the "water temperature gauge" , you can also find that there are numbers , temperature units , and a thermometer icon on the "water temperature gauge" . The temperature displayed on the temperature dial is 40 ° C . The minimum number on the arc is the lowest temperature of the water temperature, indicating the low temperature . The maximum number is the highest temperature of the water temperature . The area where the pointer stops is the current temperature of the water temperature of the vehicle . When the pointer stops at the highest temperature area , it indicates that the water temperature is too high and dangerous .

The power supply of the 1986 mustang gt 2 1/16 water temp gauge is from the power supply regulator . It is not allowed to connect it directly with the live power line on the vehicle , otherwise the reading of the indicator will be inaccurate . Ensure that the sensor is well sealed to prevent water leakage and sensor failure . Inspection of internal resistance of water temperature indicator . Check the resistance of the heating coil with the ohm gear of the multimeter. The value should be (36.6 + 1) .

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