
oil pressure gauge high chevy silverado

Symptoms of high engine oil pressure:

When the engine is working, the oil pressure gauge and the induction plug are intact, and the oil pressure gauge indicates that the pressure exceeds the specified value, and the engine power is insufficient. Sometimes, due to high oil pressure, the sensor or oil filter housing and other parts can be damaged. Sometimes the oil pressure fault light will come on.

Main reasons for high oil pressure:

1. The oil selection label is unreasonable. If summer oil is used in winter, not only will it be difficult to start, but it will also affect the work of the lubrication system.
2. The oil filter or the main oil circuit is blocked, and the opening pressure of the oil return valve is too high.
3. When the engine is overhauled, the clearance between the crankshaft and the connecting rod bearing is too small, and the oil return is not smooth, resulting in excessive oil pressure.
4. The nozzle is clogged, reducing the fuel injection volume or stopping the fuel injection, resulting in excessive pressure.
5. The newly repaired crankshaft bearings, connecting rod bearings, and cam bearings have too small clearances, and it is difficult for lubricating oil to enter the friction surface, resulting in excessive pressure in the main oil circuit.
6. The pressure of the pressure limiting valve is unbalanced, and the oil pump cannot open the pressure limiting valve to return and reduce pressure.

Cause analysis of high oil pressure:

1. High oil viscosity;
2. Low engine temperature;
3. The main oil circuit of the engine oil is blocked. In the above three cases, it is difficult for the oil to lubricate the surface of the parts and aggravate the wear of the parts.
4. The spring pressure adjustment of the pressure reducing valve is too large.

Fault diagnosis and treatment of high oil pressure:

First check whether the viscosity of the engine oil is too high, which can be judged by the hand feeling method. Then check whether the oil filter element is too dirty and replace it if necessary. If the oil gauge index is still high, check the spring pressure of the pressure limiting valve, oil return valve and safety valve on the oil pump test bench, replace the ball valve and grind the working surface of the valve seat if necessary. If the clearance of the main bearing or connecting rod bearing is too small, it should be reassembled and run in strictly. In the initial stage of running-in operation, heavy load, especially overload operation should be avoided.

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