
fuel level sensor high input

The high input of the fuel level sensor indicates that the output voltage of the fuel temperature sensor is too high. Check the power supply voltage of the temperature sensor. The sensor is installed on the high-pressure main pipe to directly measure the fuel temperature flowing through the return pipe. The density and viscosity of the fuel change with the fuel temperature . ECU corrects the fuel flow according to these data. In the return line between the fuel pump and the fuel cooler .

Fuel level sensor is a kind of detection device, which can feel the measured information, and can transform the sensed information into electrical signals or other required forms of information output according to a certain law, so as to meet the requirements of information transmission, processing, storage, display, recording and control. It is possible that the pressure of fuel input is too high. Therefore, excessive fuel input pressure will lead to high input of oil level sensor . Or The oil float is broken, or the circuit is broken .

1.The internal components of the sensor are damaged, causing a short circuit 2. The circuit is grounded, forming a loop, causing the sensor voltage to be too high 3. Related electrical components are damaged, resulting in high voltage .

First , after the battery is charged and unloaded, stand still and measure the voltage of the battery with a universal meter, and then measure the voltage two days later. If the difference is very large, it may be that there is damage inside the battery, electrolyte flows out, and the power will slowly decrease. Second , check whether there is something wrong with your circuit, such as short circuit or wrong wire connection .

There are many reasons for low voltage, especially when the load is heavy (that is, the load circuit is very small), if the driving power is insufficient, the output voltage will be pulled down soon. Your problem is here. The coil resistance of the motor is very small. Generally, 6V small DC motor, I have measured the level of about 10-20 ohms before . In case of short circuit, the actual analysis should be caused by the low resistance output of the oil level sensor for a long time, that is, it is stuck in the low resistance position .

If the fuel level sensor is not work , you can replace it . Can consult our company Nanjing Hemu International Trade Co. , LTD .

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