
water level gauge on boat dash

The coolant port of the small boat dash is next to the water tank, which can be seen by opening the engine compartment. Coolant, also known as antifreeze coolant, means a coolant with antifreeze function. Antifreeze can prevent the coolant from freezing during cold seasons, causing the radiator to crack and the engine cylinder block to freeze. Antifreeze is not only used in winter, it should be used throughout the year in the normal maintenance of small boats. Every year of driving, the engine antifreeze needs to be replaced. The coolant is composed of three parts: water, antifreeze, and additives. According to the different components of antifreeze, it can be divided into alcohol type, glycerol type, ethylene glycol type, and other types of coolants. 

The water level gauge of the small boat displays the check coolant level, indicating that the car's coolant is insufficient and needs to be replaced or added in a timely manner. It may also be caused by the high temperature of the water tank. The coolant of small boats is also antifreeze, and the use of coolant is an essential working fluid to ensure the normal operation of water-cooled engines. Without the intervention of coolant, the temperature of the engine will continue to rise during operation, which not only reduces the inflation efficiency of the engine, but also reduces the power of the engine and excessively damages the internal parts of the engine. Antifreeze is not only used in winter, but also throughout the year. Under normal maintenance, the cooling fluid of the small boat needs to be replaced every year. 

If the coolant in the small boat will evaporate, then add the coolant to the standard level. If there is a malfunction, we need to investigate the cause. If the gauge shows too little coolant. Open the cover of the auxiliary water bottle to check the coolant level. Upon inspection, it was found that the coolant level was below the minimum line. Add coolant to the normal position. Confirm that it is due to insufficient coolant that the instrument prompts an alarm. Connect the coolant pressure gauge, and the standard cooling system pressure displayed on the cover of the auxiliary water bottle is 200KPa. Use the pressure gauge to inject 200KPa for pressure check. Check all coolant pipes and interfaces, as well as relevant parts of the cooling system such as water tanks and pumps. Leakage was found in the water pump.

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