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fuel level gauge goes up slowly

Why dose fuel level gauge goes up slowly? After the car is filled with oil, the pointer position of the fuel gauge does not change, or it needs to wait for a period of time or rise slowly during driving. This is a problem that exists in many cars. Some novice drivers only pay no attention to the fuel gauge when refueling, but suddenly find that the fuel volume does not increase during driving; So they will worry about whether the car will leak oil or whether the gas station has filled the gas. In fact, the problem lies not in the gas station, but in the indication principle and reaction speed of the two types of fuel meters.The concept of resistance is not repeated. In short, the larger the resistance, the weaker the current, and the smaller the resistance, the stronger the current; When filling fuel, only the oil float will rise to a high level, and the variable resistance will be adjusted to a large electronic standard. The current input to the fuel gauge through the variable resistance will naturally weaken, and the excessive current acting on the bimetal will lose the temperature rise; After the metal sheet is heated, it will be greatly deformed. At this time, it will push the pointer to the f (full) position.

On the contrary, after the fuel consumption causes the floating ball to drop, the increase of the variable resistance value will cause the current input to the fuel gauge to decrease; If the current of the metal sheet is weak, the temperature will drop, and the deformation degree will gradually decrease after cooling, and the oil pointer will be pushed back to the position of E (less oil), which is the operating principle of the mechanical oil gauge.

The speed of refueling is very fast, especially for some compact vehicles with fuel tank capacity of only 30-50l and below; Rapid refueling will make the oil float rise rapidly. After refueling is completed, the vehicle will be started to energize the circuit in the oil circuit; At this time, although the resistance value of the variable resistance is weakened, it takes time for the current that is not strong enough to act on the bimetallic sheet of the fuel gauge and heat the metal sheet to make it deform.Because the heat conduction of these wires wound on the metal sheet will not be "achieved in one move", the pointer type oil gauge always responds "sluggishly"; At the same time, when the oil level of the variable resistance in the oil tank is too low, the air in the oil tank will have oxidation reaction with the surface of the variable resistance, and the adjustment of the resistance will be affected or even fail or indicate the oil level abnormally, which will make the return of the oil gauge after refueling slower.

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